2 min readJan 10, 2021

Hello everyone. 🔥

I hope you are well and that you had a good holiday.

The whole team wishes you every success for 2021.

We look forward to sharing the progress of the SWISS project with you.

SWISS Governance

We want the community to be even more involved in the development of SWISS. Thanks to the governance that will be coming soon, those most invested in the project will have the chance to submit ideas and proposals by blocking SWISS for a fixed period of time. This will also allow people to vote with their SWISSs on new platform developments.

The development of the vote is already finished and we are currently testing and auditing it.

WRC partnership (Swiss online casino “Whiterock”)

The partnership with the Swiss casino is progressing rapidly.

The implementation of SWISS in their payment systems will enable users to use the platform more easily and with SWISS!

Development: How to buy SWISS

A page on our website will be added in collaboration with SwissBorg to explain to newcomers how to obtain SWISS aircraft as easily as possible.

This will facilitate the adoption of SWISS.


We are in the process of thinking about burn. Currently, we are leaving this idea in reserve and thinking about the most appropriate use of these tokens (reward for platform users, airdrop, …). Nothing is blocked yet. You will even be able to propose your ideas with the governance!

School Les Roches

The project has been accepted ! coming soon…


We are in contact with several big influencers in the crypto world to promote SWISS.

For the moment they are waiting for the development of the project and SWISS.SWAP that they will eventually share with their communities, which will violently increase our visibility.

It’s up to us to work hard for SWISS.SWAP !


A Medium article will be published every week to follow the project in detail.

SWISS.SWAP the big piece

We have always wanted to improve the user experience. Uniswap, Dextools, etc. have plots of points to improve. That’s why we are currently recruiting developers to implement our ideas and create a jewel : SWISS.SWAP.

For the moment, all the ideas are on paper, mockups are in preparation, etc…

EPFL is too slow for us, which is why we are actively looking for other possibilities and are already in advanced contact with developers.

Screenshots, ideas and developments will be shared with you in due time!


In conclusion, a lot is in the making …

We are looking forward to continuing the project and are as motivated as ever!

Thank you for your support and patience for this project ! ⚡️



SWISS is a deflationary farming protocol implementing liquidity and price arbitrages features in its own ecosystem delivering the first exponential growth.